
Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry

It's fitting that my revamped blog would start with a post about jewelry.

I LOVE jewelry. I remember being four years old and having a massive collection of plastic bracelets, necklaces and stick on earrings. I've had countless jewelry boxes and my first ear piercing was at the tender age of five. My Mom has excellent taste in jewelry and if she ever had to go away without me and I would be upset she would let me wear a special bracelet or necklace of hers until she came home. I always managed to convince my Dad to play Pretty Pretty Princess with me so I could dress up in plastic jewels and the awesome plastic crown. (Although I think my Dad was a little ahead of his time since he would clip the earrings on his nose.) One of my favorite things to do was go through my Grandma's jewelry boxes. Every once in a while she would be cleaning out the drawers in her dresser and she would let me touch everything! That's the best thing about Grandmas, they let their little grandchildren play with the fun stuff. Looking back it's easy to see why jewelry means so much to me. Every piece has a memory.

Fast forward a few years. (Okay more than a few).

I'm a new seller on the fantastic Etsy, where people like myself share their creations and vintage/antique items. I'm tapping into this whole world of amazing things. I never thought I would make jewelry and try to sell it. It is so crazy and wonderful. Mom-in-law has been amazing in helping me get started. She and Dad-in-law are the vintage masters and I hope one day I could be half as amazing as they are. They have donated some choice little cute things for me to sell and I don't know what I would do without their guidance.

A few weeks ago Mom brought out a bag full of Grandma's jewelry. Grandma passed in 2005 and there are bags that we still don't look into because it is too raw. However, Mom told me that I could keep or sell whatever I wanted. We went through the bag and it was like I was seven all over again. Necklaces I remember playing with, bracelets that I don't remember and soooooo many earrings. Grandma had such great stuff! Now here's the hard part...what do I sell?

I can't keep everything because something are just so...Grandmaish. Even if I wanted to keep everything, my jewelry vanity would bust at the seams. This weekend I went through the bag and managed to experiment with my photography. Of course it was dreary all weekend and the light was less than desired but I think I did a good job. I listed a few pieces on Etsy and I hope someone will enjoy them.

Even after all this time I'm still playing with Grandma's jewelry.

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