25 was a slightly odd year for me.
I've been at my job for over a year. All I can really say is that it is a job. I make money to pay bills. I suppose it doesn't get much more meaningful than that.
We tackled a major home renovation and transformed our bedroom into a real room versus a cubby hole. It was exhausting and I thought I would lose my mind in the process but the end product was definietly worth it.
I'm still struggling to lose weight but at least I'm still trying. If I've learned anything this past year, I learned that I'm more motivated than before. (Although some days it's difficult keeping that perspective.)
This year was probably the most difficult for John and I. We've been going through these changes and growing pains (can we still call them growing pains when you're in your twenties?). I know that we still love each other just as much, if not more. I only hope that our life can settle down a bit and we can take more time to enjoy ourselves. Life is passing by so quickly. I would hate to have 30 years pass and the two of us look at each other, wishing we had done more of this and less of that. I hope that we can find peace.
My parents will be moving across the country in a little over a month. It is an exciting yet sad time. My childhood home will be gone. Despite the fact I have not lived in New Jersey for five years, it feels strange that my parents will not be there. I hope they find happiness and fun in their new home.
I thought this might be the year we begin our journey to parenthood but I was proven wrong. I've come to the sobering fact that maybe it will happen next year. I don't have the power to change it and I'm struggling with what that means.
So my last week of being 25 will most likely be ordinary. I will be working. My parents will be coming to visit next weekend and I'm sure John will plan something special for my day. I don't know what the year will bring and I'm really not sure I want to know. Sometimes hoping can be a little painful. Nevertheless, I hope that I can find contentment with my life. I hope that this year something exciting happens.
I must remember to always count my blessings because when all is said and done, my life is really very lovely.
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